09 February 2010

SEO Bookmarklets

SEOMoz has a new post today titled 30 seo bookmarklets to save you time. It’s a good list of shortcuts to useful seo tools. It’s kind of a pain to copy all the bookmarklets into your browser, so I made an HTML export—SEOlets—that will let you import them into a folder titled “SEOlets”.

To import the bookmarklets, save the SEOlets file onto your computer and then on…

Firefox - go to Bookmarks -> Organize Bookmarks, find the star button with the “Import HTML” option and choose the seolets.html file. The folder will get added to the bottom of “Bookmarks Menu”, so you’ll have to move it from there—if you want—to somewhere more convenient, like “Bookmarks Toolbar”.
Safari - go to File -> Import Bookmarks, choose the seolets.html file, and now you can move it to a better location (as described for firefox)
Chrome - I don’t think it has a bookmarks manager yet… so you may be out of luck.
Internet Explorer - haven’t tried, but it should work :)

It’s nice to see some good uses of bookmarklets (or even a weird chess bookmarklet). Another one that I put together back when PageRank sculpting was a bigger deal was a nofollow bookmarklet:


This is a no-frills, easy way to see links that are no-followed on any page (highlights them pink and adds a strike-through). If you want something a little beafier and you’re running firefox, you can use SEOMoz’s mozbar extension.

Comments (1)

1. Heather wrote:

SEO Quake is really good for Firefox

Posted on 16 February 2010 at 11:02 PM  |  permalink

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Peter Coles

Peter Coles

is a software engineer living in NYC who is building Superset 💪 and also created GoFullPage 📸
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