Tips on using pip + virtualenv + virtualenv wrapper for managing dependencies for your python projects. Plus some django specific suggestions. read full post…

26 October 2012

Isometric Cicada Principle

An application of the cicada principle for web designers using isometric cubes to create a seemingly non-repeating HTML & CSS background. read full post…

25 October 2012

Triangle Finder

A JavaScript & HTML5 app that finds triangles inside shapes that have connected edges. This was inspired by an NPR Sunday Puzzle. read full post…
A bookmarklet for jumping between different hosts, such as localhost and production, while maintaining the same path. read full post…

08 August 2012

Failed Projects

A bunch of fun, failed projects that I've gotten pretty far on, but never knocked the ball out of the park—or even really hit a base run. read full post…

Peter Coles

Peter Coles

is a software engineer living in NYC who is building Superset 💪 and also created GoFullPage 📸
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